On 05/22/2018 03:06 PM, David M. Fellows wrote:
As a terminal emulator that has a lot of configurabilty.

I'm quite curious what sort of configuration you use in (what I understand to be) a text based communications package in your day to day activities.

I do so much via SSH that I don't even think of anything other than XTerm and SSH.

Please enlighten me to what I might be missing.

Yes, but.. you can do some neat things with it.


I know.

I'm thinking about something that is very much so expect adjacent.

I agree that expect does have it's use cases, and that very little else will do when you truly need it.

I ran in to too many people that would try to do things like use expect to call commands to create users and deal with the failure cases instead of actually looking to see if the user existed first. Read: expect was the wrong tool for that job.

Grant. . . .
unix || die

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