On Sunday, 1 July 2018 3:50:47 AM AEST Daniel Frey wrote:
> Hi all,
> Some background: I run mythtv with a single backend and five frontends.
> For many, many years I've been using binpkg to help ease the compile
> pain on my Intel NUC Celeron-based frontends. I use distcc on one to
> compile all my packages and export /usr/portage/packages via nfs.
> I am wondering if it's possible to get emerge to mount
> /usr/portage/packages before actually emerging anything. I've been
> mounting that directory manually but once in a while I forget to.
> Dan

Maybe a wrapper script or an alias like this might be a simple solution.

  alias  emerge="mount /usr/portage/packages ; /usr/bin/emerge "

Put that in your .bashrc file and it will be ready for you every time you 

A wrapper script in your ~/bin directory might be better, as it would let you 
unmount the directory after emerge has finished. You may need to add that to 
your execution $PATH variable in .bashrc

  mount /usr/portage/packages
  emerge $*
  umount /usr/portage/packages

Reverend Paul Colquhoun, ULC.     http://andor.dropbear.id.au/
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