Am Samstag, 30. Juni 2018, 19:50:47 CEST schrieb Daniel Frey:
> Hi all,
> Some background: I run mythtv with a single backend and five frontends.
> For many, many years I've been using binpkg to help ease the compile
> pain on my Intel NUC Celeron-based frontends. I use distcc on one to
> compile all my packages and export /usr/portage/packages via nfs.
> I am wondering if it's possible to get emerge to mount
> /usr/portage/packages before actually emerging anything. I've been
> mounting that directory manually but once in a while I forget to.
> Dan

I don't know much about NFS, but... what about autofs?  That would mount the 
FS on first access, and AFAIK can unmount it after a period of inactivity.

Marc Joliet
"People who think they know everything really annoy those of us who know we
don't" - Bjarne Stroustrup

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