Rich Freeman <> wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 7, 2018 at 1:51 AM Martin Vaeth <> wrote:
>> Davyd McColl <> wrote:
>> > I ask because prior to the GitHub incident, I didn't have signature
>> > verification enabled
>> Currently, it is not practical to change this, see my other posting.
> You clearly don't understand what it actually checks.

Davyd and I were obviously speaking about the gentoo repository
(the official one and the one on github which got hacked).
For these repositories verification is practically not possible.
(That there are also *other* repositories - with huge metadata history -
which might be easier to verify is a different story).

Perversely, the official comments after the hack had
suggested that you should have enabled signature verification for
the hacked repository which was simply practically not possible.

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