180805 Philip Webb wrote:
> 180804 Andrew Savchenko wrote:
>> Your xorg.conf -- or a file from xorg.conf.d directory --
>> must contain the following :
>>   Section "Device"
>>       Identifier  "Card1"
>>       Driver      "modesetting"
>>   ... (some options may follow)
>>   EndSection

I've done that, as described in my previous msg, without success.

Then I noticed that Wiki says the kernel needs recompiling
with 'Drivers->Graphics-><*>DirectRenderingManager
                         <*>NouveauCards' ;
I also unset the "<->Backlight ... " just below, as I don't need it.
The new kernel is noticeably bigger than the previous version ;
I copied it to  /boot  as usual, updated  lilo.conf  & ran Lilo ;
the new kernel (called 4.14.52b) booted successfully,
but neither Nouveau nor Nvidia would start ;
even worse, neither would start with the previous version 4.14.52 ,
which had been working with Nvidia for some time.

The kernel log stops after several repeats of the lines :

  kernel: nvidia: Unknown symbol backlight_device_unregister (err 0)
  kernel: nvidia: Unknown symbol backlight_device_register (err 0)

Finally, I booted into kernel 4.9.95 & Nvidia still starts there.

This is turning into a nightmare.  It all started when 4.14.52
couldn't find my scanner, which 4.9.16 had no trouble with,
& then I found I couldn't test 4.9.16, as Nvidia no longer worked with it.
To test 4.9.16 it seems sensible to try Nouveau instead of Nvidia,
but that has led to a further tangle.

I suspect the problem with the scanner is that the Epson driver
needs an update to work with the most recent kernels.
That's something I'll have to take up with Epson, if I can.

However, the Nouveau/Nvidia mess is something I sb able to sort out.
Can anyone suggest what's gone wrong & how to put it right ?

SUPPORT     ___________//___,   Philip Webb
ELECTRIC   /] [] [] [] [] []|   Cities Centre, University of Toronto
TRANSIT    `-O----------O---'   purslowatchassdotutorontodotca

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