On Mon, 6 Aug 2018 02:38:28 -0400 Philip Webb wrote:
> 180805 Philip Webb wrote:
> > 180804 Andrew Savchenko wrote:
> >> Your xorg.conf -- or a file from xorg.conf.d directory --
> >> must contain the following :
> >> 
> >>   Section "Device"
> >>       Identifier  "Card1"
> >>       Driver      "modesetting"
> >>   ... (some options may follow)
> >>   EndSection
> I've done that, as described in my previous msg, without success.
> Then I noticed that Wiki says the kernel needs recompiling
> with 'Drivers->Graphics-><*>DirectRenderingManager
>                          <*>NouveauCards' ;

Well, that was too obvious to mention :)

> I also unset the "<->Backlight ... " just below, as I don't need it.
> The new kernel is noticeably bigger than the previous version ;
> I copied it to  /boot  as usual, updated  lilo.conf  & ran Lilo ;
> the new kernel (called 4.14.52b) booted successfully,
> but neither Nouveau nor Nvidia would start ;
> even worse, neither would start with the previous version 4.14.52 ,
> which had been working with Nvidia for some time.
> The kernel log stops after several repeats of the lines :
>   kernel: nvidia: Unknown symbol backlight_device_unregister (err 0)
>   kernel: nvidia: Unknown symbol backlight_device_register (err 0)

You need to rebuild nvidia-drivers. As a rule of thumb after each
kernel update (or major config change) one must rebuild
external kernel modules:

  emerge -av @module-rebuild
> Finally, I booted into kernel 4.9.95 & Nvidia still starts there.
> This is turning into a nightmare.  It all started when 4.14.52
> couldn't find my scanner, which 4.9.16 had no trouble with,
> & then I found I couldn't test 4.9.16, as Nvidia no longer worked with it.
> To test 4.9.16 it seems sensible to try Nouveau instead of Nvidia,
> but that has led to a further tangle.
> I suspect the problem with the scanner is that the Epson driver
> needs an update to work with the most recent kernels.
> That's something I'll have to take up with Epson, if I can.

What is your scanner model? Are you using sane-epson2 and the
latest sane version? It really shouldn't depend on the kernel
unless you are missing some crucial (e.g. usb) drivers.

> However, the Nouveau/Nvidia mess is something I sb able to sort out.
> Can anyone suggest what's gone wrong & how to put it right ?

You have not stated what is wrong with your Nouveau + kernel
4.14.52 setup. Please provide Xorg logs.

Best regards,
Andrew Savchenko

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