On 9/17/18 3:48 PM, Grant Edwards wrote:
> Does anybody have any idea what the below is trying to tell me?
> _WHAT_ two compenents are mismatched?
> WTF is the point of printing a "release number mismatch" warning
> without tell the user which two components are mismatched?
> You might as well print out
>     WARNING: something might or might be wrong!
> I've reinstalled wxpython, pygtk, and wxGTK, and it didn't help.

I think you need to try this:

revdep-rebuild -L wx_baseu-3.0 -- --ask

I had an issue where Audacity and a few others could not start due to
version mismatches. Got an issue where the ABIs were different. After
running the above command and reinstalling, these apps started working

Calculating dependencies... done!
[ebuild   R    ] x11-libs/wxGTK-3.0.4
[ebuild   R    ] x11-libs/wxGTK-3.0.4-r300
[ebuild   R    ] app-editors/wxhexeditor-0.24
[ebuild   R    ] games-emulation/pcsx2-1.4.0
[ebuild   R    ] app-arch/p7zip-16.02-r4
[ebuild   R    ] net-ftp/filezilla-3.36.0
[ebuild   R    ] media-video/mediainfo-18.08.1
[ebuild   R    ] sci-visualization/gnuplot-5.2.4
[ebuild   R    ] media-sound/audacity-2.2.2
[ebuild   R    ] games-emulation/dolphin-5.0

I would presume wxPython will be in your list.


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