On Fri, 05 Oct 2018 02:55:38 -0400,
Klaus Ethgen wrote:
> Hash: SHA512
> Hi Folks,
> Currently I suffer from the bad haskell hell. I need the current
> git-annex that is only available in the haskell overlay.
> Unfortunately this brings me into the haskell dependency hell. For two
> days I am constantly adding keywords for one more package, emerging it,
> doing haskell-updater, doing emerge @preserved-rebuild and starting over
> again.
> It seems that no single package in thatoverlay, that is marked green is
> working and I have to add a keyword overwrite for them.
> Isn't there a way to escape the haskell dependency hell? Is there a
> clean way to compile and use haskell stuff? That is a real nightmare.

I use the overlay and the last major update was a pain.  I had  errors
when compiling the preserved-rebuild list, so I had to create a bash
script and do them individually.  Sometimes a package needed something
further down in the list, so I had to compile that one first.  If I
remember correctly I had to compile a couple of packages with
--nodeps, but I am not sure about that.  I hope this helps you.

Your life is like a penny.  You're going to lose it.  The question is:
How do
you spend it?

         John Covici wb2una

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