On Wednesday 19 October 2005 22:00, Ian Brandt wrote:
> Is there some reason the symbolic links wouldn't have worked?

None that I'm aware of.

> My fear is if I change my root in fstab to /dev/sda3 my 2.4 kernel
> won't come back up, and at $125/hr I'm really trying to avoid getting
> the NOC involved.

Leave both sets of entries, just comment out the full scsi path ones. Make 
sure a monkey could put it back right.

> Is there any way to determine/test whether the configuration is going
> to work under devfs and/or udev without actually rebooting?  After
> editing /etc/fstab to /dev/sdaX I tried:

Kinda, yes.
Add /dev/sdXY entries, but under someother directory, /mnt/gentoo for example.

/dev/sda3 /mnt/gentoo auto noatime 0 1
/dev/sda1 /mnt/gentoo/boot auto ro,noatime 0 0
etc, etc

The mount -a, and see what happens.

> But is that a true test of whether it is going to work on reboot?

It's as good as your going to get, without rebooting :)

> I'll look into that, but same question applies, is it possible to
> verify my changes before I reboot?

Just the mnt/gentoo thing.

Mike Williams

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