On Thursday 20 October 2005 17:53, Ian Brandt wrote:
> Great suggestion.  Trying it I got a rather odd result:
> # mount -av
> mount: /dev/sda3 already mounted on /mnt/gentoo/
> mount: none already mounted on /dev/shm
> mount: mount point /mnt/gentoo/boot does not exist
> My main curiosity is the first one.  If I check there is no /mnt/gentoo...

A 'cat /proc/mounts' like John suggest would be helpful, before and after 
attempting to mount stuff, also try the mount manually.
mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/somethingthatexistsbutisntbeingused.

> Also, with this method of test, can I test mounting swap from
> /dev/sda2?  In my existing fstab sda2 is mounted to "none".  Does it
> make sense to do the following?...
> /dev/sda2    /mnt/gentoo/swap    swap    sw    0 0

No, as swap isn't "mounted", you can easily live without swap for a while 
though, so just comment it out.

Mike Williams

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