On Tue, Apr 16, 2019 at 9:16 AM John Covici <cov...@ccs.covici.com> wrote:

> Hi.  After my last world update, davfs2 is not working properly.
> I use it to mount my owncloud instance and it mounts fine, but the
> umount <directory where owncloud is mounted> always segfaults and
> leaves the mount alone.  Now, I can force to unmount by doing
> umount.davfs followed by the URL in question, but then the cache is
> never synced, so I just have to wait a while to make sure.

You could run 'sync && umount.davfs' instead of waiting.

> The log says its seg faulting and claims that a core dump has
> occurred, but I can't find such a thing.  Google and bgo reveal
> nothing.  I am using the unstable gentoo and the glibc library was
> updated to2.29-r1 -- there is an r2, but I have not updated to it.
Can you paste the messages here?

If it were me i'd just do these and try again after each step to see if any
of them help
- update glibc and reboot
- try rebuilding util-linux and davfs2
- run 'strace umount <directory where owncloud is mounted>' Even though i
don't understand a lot of the output, its possible to see libraries failing
to load, or files unreadable etc

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