On Tuesday, 18 June 2019 16:12:32 BST Dale wrote:
> Howdy,
> I been working on the profile switch.  I followed the directions in the
> news item up until the rm part in #12.  I did a equery b for a few files
> in the two directories and it has files that equery shows belonging to
> packages.  They are not orphans since they are owned.  Here is a list of
> the files:
> root@fireball / # ls -al /lib32/
> total 3956
[snip ... x 3956 ]

> root@fireball / # ls -al /usr/lib32/
> total 257136
[snip ... x 257136 ]

> As one can see, some of those could be important.  I noticed grub,
> nvidia, dracut and others that could cause issues if they failed.  Is it
> really safe to just rm them or did I miss something?  Do I need to do
> something else not mentioned in the news item for this? 

Hmm ... having run 'unsymlink-lib --analyze/migrate/finish', switched profile 
to 17.1 and then rebuilt toolchain and 'emerge -1v /lib32 /usr/lib32', I did 
not have to manually remove those directories on 4 different systems so far (I 
think).  That said I don't use an initramfs, but even if I did these are not 
boot time dependencies.  If you feel shakey about it you can rebuild dracut 
before you need to use it again.

You haven't missed a step by any chance?


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