On Friday, 21 June 2019 13:57:23 BST Mick wrote:
> I'm not sure I use the correct terminology below, but please bear with me
> while I try to describe a long standing problem I'm trying to solve:
> I've been mostly using x11-terms/rxvt-unicode as a terminal emulator in X.
> When resizing its window to a larger width, long lines of code which had
> wrapped over to the next line, are re-adjusted (reflow) to the new line
> length covering the increased width of the resized wider window.  I assume
> this is because the urxvt window content is redrawn in real time.  Not all
> commands allow this.  For example, 'ps axf' neither wraps over nor is
> redrawn, chopping off all content not fitting within the available terminal
> window width.
> In xterm and friends the lines remain at the same original fixed width,
> whether the window is resized to a wider setting or not.  In other words the
> line of code does not reflow to adapt to the extra length afforded by a now
> wider window aperture.
> Is there some setting I can apply to address this annoying phenomenon?

In case what I am asking for is not clear:  How can I make xterm/konsole 
behave like rxvt-unicode does and redraw the content to fit the changed window 


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