On Fri, Jun 21, 2019 at 11:38 PM Grant Taylor
<gtay...@gentoo.tnetconsulting.net> wrote:
> On 6/21/19 4:20 PM, Jorge Almeida wrote:
> > Nope. Just plain xterm (which I use a lot). BTW: it also works
> > remotely, via ssh. $TERM is "xterm".
> What use terms do you have enabled (that impact XTerm)?
> Please post the output of equery uses x11-terms/xterm.

## equery uses x11-terms/xterm
[ Legend : U - final flag setting for installation]
[        : I - package is installed with flag     ]
[ Colors : set, unset                             ]
 * Found these USE flags for x11-terms/xterm-337:
 U I
 - - Xaw3d    : Add support for the 3d athena widget set
 + + openpty  : Use openpty() in preference to posix_openpt()
 - - toolbar  : Enable the xterm toolbar to be built
 + + truetype : Add support for FreeType and/or FreeType2 fonts
 + + unicode  : Add support for Unicode
 - - xinerama : Add support for querying multi-monitor screen geometry through
                the Xinerama API


> I will say that long command lines get re-wrapped.  But that's the shell.
> If you do an ls -l, get the output, then resize the window narrower, are
> you saying that the output from ls gets rewrapped?

Ah, no, it doesn't. I thought Mick's problem was with the shell.
> What happens if you widen the window to or beyond it's original size?

Shrinking the window truncates the visible lines. Restoring the size
doesn't restore the truncated contents.
This was expected. After all, the output of "cat foo" is not processed
through readline. Maybe I misunderstood the OP's problem? (But then,
how can rxvt behave differently?)

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