On Sat, Jun 22, 2019 at 11:16 AM Mick <michaelkintz...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > Just to make sure there is no misunderstanding: the apparent bug only
> > manifests itself the first time I do the shrinking/restoring stuff,
> > after launching a urxvt window. Following tries will show the desired
> > behaviour. Can you confirm it doesn't happen in your installation?
> Correct, I do not observe the bug you mention in my installation.  I also
> tried in fluxbox and the redrawing happens in the same way right from the
> start, except fluxbox does not use a compositor, so (re)wrapping is a bit
> jerky and shows up half a second after I stopped resizing the window.
> I need to explain I have added urxvtd in my start up:
> if [ -x /usr/bin/urxvtd ]; then
>         /usr/bin/urxvtd --opendisplay --fork --quiet
> fi
> so additional terminals launched with '/usr/bin/urxvtc -pe tabbed' reuse the
> same single process of the daemon, making them faster and more economical in
> resource usage.  I assume they inherit some of what's already in memory and
> this may be a reason why I don't observe your reported bug - although I can't
> recall if I have this running in fluxbox.

OK, so I tested with urxvtd --opendisplay --fork --quiet, and, sure
enough, the bug doesn't manifest. Even after killing urxvtd, a new
instance of urxvt in a new window is bug-free.  However, I tried
launching another openbox session on a different VT (while keeping the
current session), and the bug reappears! In the original session, a
new urxvt remains bug-free.

Curious. (I don't use urxvt, I stopped using it some time ago for
reasons I can't remember...)



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