On Sun, 23 Jun 2019 20:59:34 +0200, Stefano Crocco wrote:

> a few months ago I started noticing a very annoying behavior when
> pressing the "tab" key in Libreoffice Calc. Previously, pressing this
> key would move the cursor by one cell to the right, so that I could
> immediately start writing into the cell. Now, while the cursor is moved
> to the correct cell (I can see the black border around it), I can't
> write in it immediately anymore. To move the cursor to the next cell
> and be able to immediately write in it, I need to press the tab key
> twice. It seems that somehow pressing the tab key once gives focus to
> the menu bar: pressing tab once, then pressing "F" brings down the file
> menu; pressing tab, then pressing "E" displays the edit menu and so on.

> Has anyone experienced this behavior?

I see it too and it's annoying as hell. Even more annoying will be that
when it is solved I will have got into the habit of pressing tab twice
for each move :(

Neil Bothwick

Conclusion: the place where you got tired of thinking.

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