On Sunday, 23 June 2019 21:31:33 BST Philip Webb wrote:
> 190623 Stefano Crocco wrote:
> > a few months ago I started noticing a very annoying behavior
> > when pressing the "tab" key in Libreoffice Calc.
> > Previously, pressing this key would move the cursor by one cell to the
> > right, so that I could immediately start writing into the cell.
> That's what it does for me now, using LO on KDE.

Also on the same version, but running Plasma/KDE-5.15.5,  single tab moves to 
the cell on the right AND selects the main menu.  :-/

> > Now, while the cursor is moved to the correct cell
> > -- I can see the black border around it -- ,
> > I can't write in it immediately anymore.
> > To move the cursor to the next cell and be able to immediately write in
> > it,
> > I need to press the tab key twice.
> > It seems that somehow pressing the tab key once gives focus to the menu
> > bar: pressing tab once, then pressing "F" brings down the file menu;
> > pressing tab, then pressing "E" displays the edit menu and so on.
> Here, pressing Tab-Tab simply moves  2  cells to the right.

Hmm ... are you running a non-KDE environment by any chance?

I just tried LO on Englightenment and it works fine, BUT it runs with GTK 
icons.  Various KDE DEs however exhibit the same behaviour here - double tab 
to move to the right cell and select it to be able to enter data.

Another thing I tried is to launch it with:

 SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=gtk3 soffice

On a plasma only system, it will not respect this incantation and About always 
shows "VCL: kde5; " so this leads me to conclude the problem is with the KDE 
compilation flag.

If I remember I'll disable it on the next update and see what happens then.


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