On 2019.08.16 12:00, Helmut Jarausch wrote:
On 08/16/2019 05:25:34 PM, Jack wrote:
try "lsof /cdrom"?  It says the mount point, not the device, might be busy.

This didn't show anything.
I still don't know the cause of my problems.
But fortunately, they have been resolved by recompiling the kernel (5.2.0), systemd and all packages depending on systemd - using the new gcc-9.2.0

Furthermore I had to add the use flags
cgroup-hybrid -sysv-utils
for systemd. This hasn't been necessary before - very strange.
For me, systemd is a monster which I haven't understood.
I try to not use it since I am using openrc.
Perhaps I have to remove it from my system and use eudev instead of udev as part of systemd.

Thanks for trying to help me - it was a really strange situation.

If you are using openrc (as I am) I would say you really don't want systemd installed at all. I can't imagine any good coming from that. You do need eudev, I also have elogind installed, but I'm not sure if it's absolutely required, or if I had some other reason for installing (possibly to get rid of consolekit?)

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