On 2019.08.21 15:48, james wrote:
On 8/16/19 12:44 PM, Jack wrote:
> ps auxf | grep systemd

This is new turf for me. Upon issuing this command string I get::

# ps auxf | grep systemd
root     24947  0.0  0.0  13964   996 pts/6    S+   15:43   0:00
          |   |   |           \_ grep --colour=auto systemd
This just means that there is nothing else running on your system with "systemd" in the name.

I have no clue what this means, nor what action, if any I should take to remedy this. I have never used systemd and put up/modify everything I can to keeep systemd off. Any explaination or advice, like a master list of things/configs to ensure nothing 'systemd related' in on the system, is most welcome.
Sorry, but you came into the middle of a conversation started by someone else, and all suggestions provided were directed primarily at him. What is the "this" you think you need to remedy?

In the case of the original poster to this thread, he was not using systemd, but did have it installed, so I suggested that ps command to see if any part of systemd was running on his system, even though he didn't think there was.

In your case, if you have never installed systemd, then you should not have anything to worry about. While many of us might call it "intrusive," as far as I know, it does not have the ability to actually install itself without you knowing about it. If you have eix installed, you could even do "eix systemd" to confirm you don't have any of it's pieces installed.

Just a note: I've been in poor health, over the last 2 years, so excuse my lack of keeping my gentoo system(s) robustly updated.
Not updating your system may make it difficult to do once you are ready, but it does not change the state of what you do or do not have installed or running. If you need help when you DO try to update, just start a new thread with an appropriate subject, and there are plenty of folks who will offer advice.


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