Okay, thank you, I'll try that (in (33 - 24) hours ;-) )

On 11/02/19 16:40, Mick wrote:
On Saturday, 2 November 2019 15:15:31 GMT n952162 wrote:
I'm getting 13k bps writing to a Toshiba 3T drive over a USB/Sata
connection.  It' take 33 hours to transfer a 200meg file.

I mounted it async but then see that ext4 ignores the async option on

What am I doing wrong?
Probably nothing, other than using a faulty port/cable and/or faulty drive.
Have a look at dmesg and syslog for I/O errors.

Have you tried a different port and different USB cable?  Unless it is an
eSATA, in which case you will need an eSATA port/cable.

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