n952162 wrote:
> Okay, thank you, I'll try that (in (33 - 24) hours ;-) )
> On 11/02/19 16:40, Mick wrote:
>> On Saturday, 2 November 2019 15:15:31 GMT n952162 wrote:
>>> I'm getting 13k bps writing to a Toshiba 3T drive over a USB/Sata
>>> connection.  It' take 33 hours to transfer a 200meg file.
>>> I mounted it async but then see that ext4 ignores the async option on
>>> mounts.
>>> What am I doing wrong?
>> Probably nothing, other than using a faulty port/cable and/or faulty
>> drive.
>> Have a look at dmesg and syslog for I/O errors.
>> Have you tried a different port and different USB cable?  Unless it
>> is an
>> eSATA, in which case you will need an eSATA port/cable.

Mick has a good point.  I have two or three of the cheaper USB external
enclosures and only one of them was somewhat fast, it is USB 2.0 after
all.  The other two logged a lot of errors in messages file about
resetting something.  It was resetting so often that moving data to or
from the drive was very slow.  I pitched the two bad ones, saved the one
that works but bought a known good one, it has a fan and a display with
the temps and fan RPMs etc on it.  It is a eSATA or USB enclosure.  I
use the eSATA port and it is as fast as my internal drives.  If
interested, I can find a link for one so you can see what it looks
like.  I can also find the one that doesn't work just in case you have
it.  The good one is black and the iffy ones are a silver color.  Point
is, not all external enclosures work well.  USB ports in my experience
really complicate matters. 

I like USB for my camera and my little card reader, that I use to get
deer pics off my trail camera.  Other than that, I try to avoid USB. 
Oh, printers tend to work too. 


:-)  :-) 

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