On 10/23/05, Zhang Weiwu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello. I have got a lot (much more) ps files and PDF files since I start to
> use Linux. In the past there were mostly doc files but now I always prefer
> to have a PS or PDF copy to ease the compatibility pain. And looks linux
> people always prefer to send me a PS or PDF document.
> Because I always save two copies of every of my document, one in original
> format (eg. odt) and another in printable format for my colleagues in case
> they don't have the Linux fonts and software. Here comes the question should
> I keep a PS copy or PDF copy.
> I think PDF copy is absolutely the prefered format because:
> * easier to find acrobat reader;
> * can be 'Tagged', especially used with OOo;
> * possibility to 'copy and paste', though format will be lost;
> * not to take other people by surprise with unfamiliar PS extension;
> * different quanlity: I can save PDF in very high quanlity that I was told
> "can be taken to press house"
> * easy to convert to PS format when needed.
> Here comes the question: if the above all stands true, why do I ever need PS
> format at all? There might be some reasons to keep this format still
> existing. Perhaps in other areas, other then office work.
> So the conclusion: for typical office workers, we can forget PS format.
> Now welcome for suggestions.
> P.S. another quesiton I happen wish to have an answer: in one case, I have
> to keep PS format because, I can print booklet (brochure) in OOO2 right the
> way I expected, but if I carry this brochure to my colleague, and he doesn't
> have openoffice, then I try to export to PDF format, and found there is no
> 'brochure' option in exporting, also there is no 'brochure' option in
> Acrobat Reader printing dialogue box, so it's clear if I export to PDF
> format I will never be able to print it in brochure style on a normal PC, so
> I have to print to PS file and carry it. But so far this is the only case I
> think I need PS format. If I only exported PDF format, can I still print a
> brochure? The difficulty in printing brochure is you have to make correct
> page order.
> --
> Zhang Weiwu   CEO Real Softservice
> International business: http://www.realss.com
> International sales:    0086 10 84606011
> Inland business:        http://www.realss.cn
> Inland sales call:      0086 592 2099987
> --
> gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list


Take a look at this... PDF is the proprietary modification of ps,
added some tags and some compression (that can easily be repeated with
lots of advantages in any compressor). And, well, read for yourself.

Daniel da Veiga
Computer Operator - RS - Brazil
Version: 3.1
GCM/IT/P/O d-? s:- a? C++$ UBLA++ P+ L++ E--- W+++$ N o+ K- w O M- V-
PS PE Y PGP- t+ 5 X+++ R+* tv b+ DI+++ D+ G+ e h+ r+ y++

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