On 12/9/19 1:31 AM, Dale wrote:

I'm sure trying to get portage to do things in parallel would be a
programmers nightmare.� It may not even be doable given how the tree is
done or that the complexity of calculating all the options is just to
much to run in parallel.

Hello Dale,

Not sure this is what you are looking for, but it's pretty easy to set up.

in my /etc/make.conf file I have this::

MAKEOPTS="-j7 -l8"

so it does what you are looking for on larger upgrades. Some files that do not compile properly, auto limit to one core. My understanding is there are a variety of mechanism to achieve this.

The kernel version/setting surely has more options, but they are optimized according to the types of workloads and the scheduler you have selected. YOU or anyone can waist weeks and months going down that pathway.

Then there are mechanisms to further refine how your system works.

It's a wide open area so read up a bit and find your comfort level.


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