I can't be sure whether these links will help, but there were conversations.


On Fri, Dec 13, 2019 at 6:44 AM Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> james wrote:
> > On 12/9/19 1:31 AM, Dale wrote:
> >> Howdy,
> >>
> >
> >> I'm sure trying to get portage to do things in parallel would be a
> >> programmers nightmare.� It may not even be doable given how the
> >> tree is
> >> done or that the complexity of calculating all the options is just to
> >> much to run in parallel.
> >
> > Hello Dale,
> >
> > Not sure this is what you are looking for, but it's pretty easy to set
> > up.
> >
> >
> > in my /etc/make.conf file I have this::
> >
> >
> > MAKEOPTS="-j7 -l8"
> >
> >
> > so it does what you are looking for on larger upgrades. Some files
> > that do not compile properly, auto limit to one core. My understanding
> > is there are a variety of mechanism to achieve this.
> >
> > The kernel version/setting surely has more options, but they are
> > optimized according to the types of workloads and the scheduler you
> > have selected. YOU or anyone can waist weeks and months going down
> > that pathway.
> >
> > Then there are mechanisms to further refine how your system works.
> >
> >
> > It's a wide open area so read up a bit and find your comfort level.
> >
> >
> > hth,
> > James
> >
> >
> I have that type of setting already.  What I was talking about is when
> you do a emerge -uaDN world and it is calculating what packages needs
> updating.  When it is doing that, it only uses one core, thread I guess
> for those who have threads, which means having a multi-core CPU doesn't
> help speed things up. Basically, my question was about the emerge
> command itself not when it is actually compiling packages.
> I read where it was discussed on -dev a couple years or so ago.  I'm not
> a coder but from what I could understand, it sounded really complicated
> to have the emerge command able to run calculations in parallel.  It
> seems there is a couple things that just can not be done that way.
> Maybe one day.  Just maybe.
> Dale
> :-)  :-)

WooHyung Jeon.

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