On Friday, 20 December 2019 11:35:45 GMT Dr Rainer Woitok wrote:
> Mick,
> On Thursday, 2019-12-19 18:30:47 +0000, you wrote:
> > ...
> > consolekit will work for this purpose - is it running?  It should be in
> > your default runlevel.
>    $ rc-update show|grep consolekit
>    $
> Gosh!  It's missing!   Maybe I just started it  to see whether or not it
> works and then forgot to add it to default.  So add and start it now:
>    $ sudo rc-update add consolekit default
>    Password:
>     * service consolekit added to runlevel default
>    $ sudo rc-service consolekit start
>     * Caching service dependencies ...                                      
> [ ok ] * Starting consolekit ...
>     * start-stop-daemon: /usr/sbin/console-kit-daemon is already running
>     * Failed to start consolekit                                            
> [ !! ] * ERROR: consolekit failed to start
>    $ ps -ef|grep console
>    rainer    3928 12250  0 19:53 pts/0    00:00:00 grep console
>    root     11675     1  0 Dec18 ?        00:00:00
> /usr/sbin/console-kit-daemon --no-daemon $
> So it's not in the default run-level, but it's running anyway?  Whazzat?

It was not started as a default service on your current runlevel, but was 
started as a dependency anyway - when e.g. you logged into your desktop.

> So I decided  to reboot  and see what happens.   But this helped neither
> with automounting nor with hibernating.  The only thing that changed was
> the command line of the console-kit command:
>    $  ps -ef|grep console
>    root      7320     1  0 Dec19 ?        00:00:00
> /usr/sbin/console-kit-daemon rainer   32639 10242  0 12:21 pts/0   
> 00:00:00 grep console
>    $
> By the way, these are its USE flags for consolekit, in case it matters:
>    $ eix -l consolekit|grep Installed
>         Installed versions:  1.2.1(15:11:46 22/10/19)(acl pam pm-utils
> policykit udev -cgroups -debug -doc -evdev -selinux -test KERNEL="linux") $
> Sincerely,
>   Rainer

If consolekit does not fix your ability to suspend/hibernate as a plain user, 
then it could well be a bug (or setting) related to your desktop (xface).  I 
don't use this desktop to be able to advise further, but generally I would try 
to run the command as a plain user while keeping an eye on the terminal, 
syslog, and xorg.0.log, for any messages pointing to the underlying problem.



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