On Thu, 02 Jan 2020 21:57:29 -0500,
Dale wrote:
> Howdy,
> I'm trying to rebuild a kernel to include new options, see other
> thread.  I got the kernel built but dracut is giving me grief.  I hate
> that thing and when a previous way that worked no longer works, it
> doesn't help me like it any more.  Still, it is what it is even if I
> don't like it.  I read the man page, the Gentoo wiki and tried different
> methods but it just refuses to build a init thingy that I need.  It
> either fails right away or gets to the end and errors out without
> completing.
> I name my kernels and such this way:
> root@fireball /usr/src/linux # ls -al /boot/kernel*
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 7061552 Oct 14  2018 /boot/kernel-4.18.12-1
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 7082032 May 15  2019 /boot/kernel-4.19.40-1
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 7102512 Jan  2 19:46 /boot/kernel-4.19.40-2
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5858496 Jun 17  2016 /boot/kernel-4.5.2-1
> root@fireball /usr/src/linux #
> I copy the kernels from the /usr/src/linux directory by hand as I've
> always done.  I name them starting with kernel and then add the kernel
> version with a sequence number on the end.  In the past, I've made it to
> -4 before getting what I need.  Right now, I'm working on 4.19.40-2 and
> building a init thingy for it.  This is how the init thingys end up, in
> the past anyway:
> root@fireball /usr/src/linux # ls -al /boot/initramfs*
> -rw------- 1 root root 7752134 Oct 15  2018 /boot/initramfs-4.18.12-1.img
> -rw------- 1 root root 8560993 May 15  2019 /boot/initramfs-4.19.40-1.img
> -rw------- 1 root root 5377395 May 20  2016 /boot/initramfs-4.5.2-1.img
> root@fireball /usr/src/linux #
> What I need, the proper command with options to tell dracut I want to
> build a init thingy for 4.19.40-2.  I've tried many different ways but
> none of them work.  This includes commands I've used in the past that
> did work.  If I have to specify the init thingy name and the location of
> the kernel modules directory, that's fine.  I keep commands like this in
> a file to refer back to because I do tend to forget specifics but in
> this case, it seems dracut changed something.  Previous commands are not
> working. 
> Does anyone know how to accomplish this task?  Hopefully something that
> will work even if dracut changes something with its defaults.  I figure
> if I tell it all it needs to know, then it should work even if dracut
> changes the default method.  I just can't seem to figure out what method
> to use here.  Maybe I'm missing a option or something. 
> Thanks much. 

I think dracut uses the name of the /lib/modules directory, so just
execute dracut "" <module directory name> such as in my case
4.19.85-gentoo  .  If that does not work post here, maybe you have
spaces in your directory name, if so try using double quotes around

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         John Covici wb2una

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