On Fri, Jan 3, 2020 at 5:57 AM Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Can you post a ls -al /boot for both kernels and images?  That way I can
> see how it names them when doing it your way.  If I can make sense of
> it, I may try doing it that way.  Thing is, it'll change eventually
> too.  lol

I use the standard kernel names:


I create the initramfs using:
dracut "" 4.19.92

Dracut is going to need the path to the modules more than anything
else, so I suspect it will work if you substitute 4.19.92 with
whatever the path of your modules directory is, within /lib/modules.

Also, could you actually post the command lines you're using?  You
posted 4 fairly long emails elaborating on how everything isn't
working right, and I don't think you actually posted a single dracut
command line.  When something isn't working right it is usually best
to start with what you're actually doing, along with what is happening
and what you expected to happen.  You mainly covered the last bit of
those three but left out most of the first two.

I actually use a script to do my kernel updates - this is intended
mainly for bumps and isn't entirely suitable when I need to change
things, in which case I usually just build manually following the same
cd /usr/src/linux || exit
git pull || exit
rm -rf /var/tmp/linux || exit
export KBUILD_OUTPUT=/var/tmp/linux
make O=/var/tmp/linux oldconfig || exit
nice -n20 make O=/var/tmp/linux -j12 -l20 || exit
make O=/var/tmp/linux modules_install || exit
make O=/var/tmp/linux install || exit
emerge @module-rebuild || exit
NEWVER=$(make --no-print-directory kernelversion) || exit
dracut "" $NEWVER || exit
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

(This does all the building in /var/tmp and leaves me with a clean
kernel source directory.  That is actually the upstream-recommended
way but it does create the issue that if any package that builds
kernel modules gets updated it will fail.  I usually just delay
updating these packages until I do my next kernel update, but I can
just run this script again to re-create /var/tmp/linux with the
necessary files to build further modules.  Note that you need a few GB
in /var/tmp for this to work, and this script doesn't clean up - I
usually want that directory left for any module updating, and it gets
cleared on reboot anyway which usually follows a kernel update.  This
works great on tmpfs if you have the space.

Note also that I'm using upstream stable vanilla sources - I checkout
a longterm branch which is what is getting pulled at the start.  This
should work with gentoo sources as well if you just tweak the start.
I like to maintain more control over what kernel I'm following as I
tend to use out-of-tree modules like zfs, or experimental ones like
btrfs, or newer CPUs like Ryzen - for one reason or another just
following random stable releases is problematic.)


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