Philip Webb wrote:
> In order to update to the latest stable PyQt5-5.13.2 ,
> I was required to remerge qtwebkit-5.212.0_pre20190629 ;
> this normally takes  30 min  & can make its cache in memory.
> Towards the end of the latter compile, I suddenly found myself
> looking at a completely dark screen : the whole system had crashed.
> I pressed the Start button on the box & tried the emerge again,
> watching what was going on during the compile,
> while monitoring 'free' on another tab & activity on Gkrellm.
> Early in the compile, it briefly used most of swap :
> I have  8 GB  memory +  8 GB  swap partition
> & it was using  c 4,5 GB  swap ; this dropped again fairly quickly.
> All  8  processors were running at  100 %  or nearly
> & the CPU temperature was  70 C  with fans whining a bit.
> Then at the same point in the compile, poof ! -- another hard crash.
> Nothing at all in 'syslog' ; 'kern.log' shows :
>   Jan 4 13:23:56 localhost kernel: IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): enp2s0: 
> link becomes ready
>   Jan 4 14:09:33 localhost kernel: Kernel logging (proc) stopped.
>   Jan 4 14:09:33 localhost kernel: Kernel log daemon terminating.
> < this wb the crash, then restart >
>   Jan 4 14:09:55 localhost kernel: klogd 1.5.1, log source = /proc/kmsg 
> started.
>   Jan 4 14:09:55 localhost kernel: Inspecting /usr/src/linux/
>   Jan 4 14:09:55 localhost kernel: Cannot find map file.
>   Jan 4 14:09:55 localhost kernel: Loaded 30475 symbols from 1 module.
>   Jan 4 14:09:55 localhost kernel: Linux version 4.14.52-gentoo 
> (root@localhost) (gcc version 7.3.0 (Gentoo 7.3.0-r3 p1.4)) #5 SMP Sun Aug 19 
> 23:59:47 EDT 201
> which isn't very helpful.  What evidence there was suggested
> that it had run out of swap, causing the kernel to panic,
> so I added 'dev-qt/qtwebkit notmpfs.conf' to  /etc/portage/package.env ,
> tried the emerge again & it went thro' successfully in  29 min .
> If you try to emerge LO or FF using a tmpfs , Portage tells you not to.
> Rust is the 4th entry in  package.env :
> I forget whether Portage/other warned me or I found out the hard way.
> It's also a puzzle why qtwebkit failed on this re-merge
> after compiling successfully when previously updated a few months ago.
> It's a very long time since my system (on any box) crashed in this manner.
> This is FYI, but others might have a few comments.

Just a thought.  Have you tested the memory with memtest or some other
test tool?  Another thing, maybe rare, power supply can't hold up to the
load?  It's odd that it seems to crash at the same spot as you say,
makes me suspect a bad spot in memory, but it sort of sounds more like a
hardware problem.  Also, is the CPU able to handle those temps?  Mine
never gets that hot.  Of course, I do have a large case which allows for
large coolers.  Mine might hit 50C or so but only when this room is also
pretty warm. 

I'd be tempted to compile another package that will load it down the
same way and see if it crashes then.  If it does, hardware.  If not,


:-)  :-) 

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