Peter Humphrey wrote:
> On Sunday, 5 January 2020 10:01:23 GMT Philip Webb wrote:
>> If you try to emerge LO or FF using a tmpfs , Portage tells you not to.
> I just thought I'd say that I haven't had any warnings not to use tmpfs when 
> emerging LO or FF. I do have 32GB RAM though, which I dare say makes a 
> difference. Maybe portage is even cleverer than I thought!
> # grep tmpfs /etc/fstab
> tmpfs /var/tmp/portage tmpfs noatime,uid=portage,gid=portage,mode=0775 0 0
> tmpfs /tmp tmpfs noatime,nosuid,nodev,noexec,mode=1777 0 0
> # ls /etc/portage/*env
> /etc/portage/env:
> /etc/portage/package.env:

When emerging some of the packages, FF, LOo and a few others, emerge
runs a precheck for space.  If it doesn't see enough space, it spits out
a warning.  At one point I think it would stop but not sure what it does
now.  Like you, I have 32GBs of ram.  Space for tmpfs isn't much of a
problem.  I can't recall the last time I saw that error message.  Even
when I had 16GBs of memory, it would pass the test.  8GBs may trigger
issues tho. 

The bad thing is, emerge doesn't seem to take into account when emerging
more than one at a time.  If you for example need to upgrade FF and LOo
at the same time, it may have enough for one to compile but not both at
the same time.  With 16GBs in the past, I've had issues with that. 
Since the default is half of memory, it may pass the precheck but run
out of tmpfs when doing both.  For some reason, that happens often.  :/


:-)  :-) 

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