Dale wrote:
> If no one here has any ideas on this thing, it has to be serious.  I'm
> thinking it is a upstream thing because someone on this list would know
> it if was something on my end.  ;-)
> @Peter, link helped me understand a bit but still can't figure out my
> problem.  The extra info was good tho. 
> Dale
> :-)  :-) 
> P. S.  On the SMR drive thing, I came up with a plan.  After I finish my
> backups, I leave it on for a bit mounted, then unmount and leave it on a
> little while longer before powering it off.  That way I know it has
> finished doing what it needs to.  Plus it gives the SMART stuff time to
> do a little work too. 

Well, this has to be fixed or turned off completely.  When I try to
emerge and it tries to download new packages, it is trying to use IPv6
addresses which fail.  It spits out this:

>>> Downloading
--2020-01-13 04:49:25-- 
Resolving mirrors.evowise.com... 2606:4700:1::6813:894b,
2606:4700:1::6813:8b4b, 2606:4700:1::6813:8a4b, ...
Connecting to mirrors.evowise.com|2606:4700:1::6813:894b|:443... failed:
No route to host.
Connecting to mirrors.evowise.com|2606:4700:1::6813:8b4b|:443... failed:
No route to host.
Connecting to mirrors.evowise.com|2606:4700:1::6813:8a4b|:443... failed:
No route to host.
Connecting to mirrors.evowise.com|2606:4700:1::6813:874b|:443... failed:
No route to host.
Connecting to mirrors.evowise.com|2606:4700:1::6813:884b|:443... failed:
No route to host.

It seems that I need IPv6 to work or to disable it until I can.

Any ideas? 


:-)  :-) 

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