Dale wrote:
> Howdy,
> <<< SNIP >>>
> Does this look like a upstream problem with my ISP or am I missing some
> setting somewhere?  If you need additional info, let me know.  The
> changes I made in IP numbers should be the same whether it's the modem,
> router or puter.  I tried to match them up and only change enough to
> make tracking hard.
> Thanks much.
> Dale
> :-)  :-)

Update.  Mick and I have beat this poor router until it is badly
bruised.  I think we tried about every option the router has.  I hate
calling the AT&T service number.  I usually have to go up a couple tiers
before I get someone who knows answers since I use Linux here.  Windoze,
mac, they can help a bit.  Linux, not the low level folks.  Well, it
finally hit me, I had the cell number of a tech from several years ago. 
He mostly works on phone service but he knows a bit about the DSL part
as well.  He got promoted I think a while back.  I texted him and found
out something I wish I had known before.  The DSL box that sits up the
road does not support IPv6.  That explains why nothing worked.  So,
after beating on that thing, I end up with nothing but IPv4 like I had

Well, there is one improvement.  I do have a very nice wireless router. 
That thing has AWESOME wireless range when using those long 9db
antennas.  They over a foot long but I can connect with my cell phone
300 feet down the road.  ROFL  Even going to the mailbox isn't a issue
now.  Old router, barely made it out the door and off the porch.

Thanks to all, especially Mick, who helped with this thing.  Maybe one
day, just maybe. 


:-)  :-) 

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