Am 12.03.20 um 00:06 schrieb Dale:
hitachi303 wrote:
Hi there,

so ever since using the amd64 17.1 profiles (which is not that long
for this PC) I have one problem. After updating xorg-server X won't

/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20opengl.conf reads:
Section "Files"
         ModulePath "/usr/lib/xorg/modules"

but the module is located at:

I rarely restart the PC but it annoying anyway. I would be thankful
for any help.

Is the module in the right place and the config file is wrong or is it
the other way around?



This may not be the problem but I ran into this a bit ago.  If you have
switched to elogind, make sure you start the service otherwise, X won't
start.  When I checked the logs, the problem wasn't obvious either.  I
just lucked up and noticed it wasn't running when it should be.  Again,
this may not help but just in case, thought I'd mention it.


:-)  :-)

rc-update show doesn't say anything about elogin but /etc/init.d/elogind start says start-stop-daemon: /lib64/elogind/elogind is already running

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