On 3/12/20 7:46 PM, Neil Bothwick wrote:
> On Fri, 13 Mar 2020 00:31:23 +0100, hitachi303 wrote:
>>>> I do edit it every time X won't start. Then X does start. But
>>>> after updating and rebooting it has the old wrong line again.  
>>> You need to find out which ebuild is modifying it. Run "qlop -m" and
>>> look for the package whose install time most closely matches the
>>> modification time of the file. Then read the ebuild to see what is
>>> going on. If an ebuild is setting this incorrectly, you may need to
>>> file a bug report.  
>> Since I did edit the file I cannot find a match. I will have to wait 
>> until the problem occurs again.
> It seems that file is created/modified by the mesa ebuild.
> I would try removing the file and re-emerging mesa to see if it is
> created with the correct content.

The file is created/modified by app-eselect/eselect-opengl.  If you have
USE=libglvnd enabled, eselect-opengl is no longer installed, but the
files it generated may remain.  In this case, it is safe to remove the
file if USE=libglvnd is enabled, and to regenerate the file by running
`eselect opengl set xorg` (or nvidia, ...) if USE=-libglvnd.

Jonathan Callen

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