Okay, after many hours of investigation and experimentation, I finally
figured this out.

For many years now, I have written my /etc/fstab using the
/dev/disk/by-id directory, because I think it's easier to keep track of
the names there - it's the only way to do it symbolically.

It's always struck me that nobody else does that and I've wondered
why...  now I know...

It turns out, that, now, on my computer, those names aren't set up yet. 
The "missing" devices caused the localmounts service to fail - partially
or fully, randomly - including for the swaps.

When I go through the nasty process of using blkid(8) and specifying the
*UUID=* device name in fstab, then the problem goes away.

On 2020-03-17 13:37, n952162 wrote:

There's new information on this, and new questions...

I discovered that not only are my swaps not mounted, but the other
filesystems listed in /etc/fstab aren't, either.

These are, apparently, mounted by the localmount RC service.

Its status is *started*.  But if I /restart/ it, then my fstab
filesystems get mounted.

Question: /etc/init.d/localhost says:

description="Mounts disks and swap according to /etc/fstab."

but I can't see where that script mounts swaps.  Is the description

Question 2: how can one see the output from the RC "e-trace"
statements (e.g. ebegin/eend)?

I don't find it in /var/log/*

On 2020-03-04 09:09, n952162 wrote:

I have 3 swap devices and files.  At boot, it seems indeterminate
which ones get "mounted" (as swap areas).

Does anyone have an idea why they're not all mounted?

Here are the swap lines from my fstab:

#LABEL=swap        none        swap        sw        0 0

 /dev/disk/by-id/ata-TOSHIBA_DT01ACA300_xxxxxxxx-part1    none
swap    sw,pri=10    0 0

/swap    none    swap    sw,pri=5    0 0

/lcl/WDC_WD20EFRX-68EUZN0_WD-yyyyyyyyyy/1/swap        none swap   
sw,pri=1    0 0

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