Hi gentoo-user,

Following the recent conversation started by Meino, I have decided to convert my
package.* files to directory structures.  For  all  but  one,  this  has  proven
tedious, but relatively painless.  My package.use file is another story: at over
three-hundred lines, the thought of manually  converting  this  to  a  directory
structure does not attract me.

Are there any tools in Portage to help with this, or must I resort to writing  a
shell script ?

For example, considering the following lines in my flat package.use:

        media-video/openshot printsupport
        sys-apps/util-linux tty-helpers

I want to take this file and create a directory structure:

        media-video/openshot, containing "media-video/openshot printsupport"
        sys-apps/util-linux, containing "sys-apps/util-linux tty-helpers"

How can this be done ?


Ashley Dixon

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