Ashley Dixon wrote:
> Hi gentoo-user,
> Following the recent conversation started by Meino, I have decided to convert 
> my
> package.* files to directory structures.  For  all  but  one,  this  has  
> proven
> tedious, but relatively painless.  My package.use file is another story: at 
> over
> three-hundred lines, the thought of manually  converting  this  to  a  
> directory
> structure does not attract me.
> Are there any tools in Portage to help with this, or must I resort to writing 
>  a
> shell script ?
> For example, considering the following lines in my flat package.use:
>         media-video/openshot printsupport
>         sys-apps/util-linux tty-helpers
> I want to take this file and create a directory structure:
>         media-video/openshot, containing "media-video/openshot printsupport"
>         sys-apps/util-linux, containing "sys-apps/util-linux tty-helpers"
> How can this be done ?
> Thanks.

Well, as some here know, I do things differently.  My knowledge on
scripting and those types of commands is basic, if that.  A while back I
had one file for everything but I wanted to split some off and have a
few files for certain groups of packages, using what is updated in
groups as a guide.  This is what I ended up with.  Output of tree.

root@fireball / # tree /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords/
├── dev-qt
├── kde-apps
├── kde-frameworks
├── kde-misc
├── kde-plasma
└── package.keywords

0 directories, 6 files
root@fireball / #

The reason I did this, if a upgrade goes bad for say kde-apps, I can
move the kde-apps file out of that directory and emerge will downgrade
to the last stable version.  How I did that?  Well, I went to a console
and used cat and grep.  Example.  cat
/etc/portage/package.accept_keywords/package.keywords | grep kde-apps 
That would list all the matches on the konsole.  I then copied those to
a new file for kde-apps.  Since those tended to be grouped together, I
then removed those entries from the old file.  I rinse and repeat that
several times until I got the one file to be targeted with several
files.  One could likely use echo to put those in a file automatically
but I was chicken. :/

You may find a better way, certainly there has to be one, after all,
this is ME, but that may give you ideas.  There is likely a lot of ways
to do this.  You get someone who has a better grasp of those awk and sed
commands, the possibilities get huge real fast.  Me, I'm still learning
about grep.  I got cat pretty much figured out.  ;-) 

Hope that helps or leads to a better way.  Please share if you do find a
better way tho.  May help someone else in the future. 


:-)  :-) 

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