On Thu, 27 Oct 2005 15:15:08 +1300, Tom Eastman wrote:

> Hmm some interesting ideas, thanks!  I also found something called
> 'nullmailer' which sounds like it works in a way similar to Stroller's
> description of the apple mailer.  But I think it's a daemon, which
> wants to be running.

The nullmailer web page doesn't say anything about queueing, but then it
doesn't say much about anything. It looks like nullmailer is an
equivalent to ssmtp. If it does do queueing and you don't want to run
a daemon, what's wrong with using a script that starts the daemon before
your mailer and stops it after?

Neil Bothwick

Eye of newt, toe of frog, regular Coke and fries to go, please.

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