On Tuesday, 9 June 2020 19:32:23 BST Andrew Udvare wrote:

[Snip much interesting stuff]

My motherboard is also Asus: an X99-A. I haven't overwritten the UEFI BIOS 
kernel image for quite a while; not since I arrived at a stable layout of 

This is my /boot layout:

# tree /boot                                                
├── config-5.4.38-gentoo
├── config-5.4.38-gentoo-rescue
├── config-5.7.1-gentoo
├── early_ucode.cpio
├── EFI
│   ├── Boot
│   │   └── bootx64.efi
│   └── systemd
│       └── systemd-bootx64.efi
├── intel-uc.img
├── loader
│   ├── entries
│   │   ├── 08-gentoo-5.4.38-rescue.conf
│   │   ├── 09-gentoo-5.4.38-rescue.nonet.conf
│   │   ├── 30-gentoo-5.7.1.conf
│   │   ├── 32-gentoo-5.7.1.nox.conf
│   │   ├── 34-gentoo-5.7.1.nonet.conf
│   │   ├── 40-gentoo-5.4.38.conf
│   │   ├── 42-gentoo-5.4.38.nox.conf
│   │   └── 44-gentoo-5.4.38.nonet.conf
│   ├── loader.conf
│   └── random-seed
├── System.map-5.4.38-gentoo
├── System.map-5.4.38-gentoo-rescue
├── System.map-5.7.1-gentoo
├── vmlinuz-5.4.38-gentoo
├── vmlinuz-5.4.38-gentoo-rescue
└── vmlinuz-5.7.1-gentoo

It's the outcome of a good deal of effort to find a working structure, and I'd 
need some persuasion to change it again.  :)


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