On Thursday, 11 June 2020 16:32:50 BST Grant Edwards wrote:
> On 2020-06-11, Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org> wrote:
> >   I have Chrome installed. I looked at Chromium.  It wants even more
> > 
> > stuff on top of what Chrome has pulled in! No way.
> Besides the dependencies, Chromium itself is a very long build.  2.5
> days on my oldish laptop, 1.5 days on all my other machines.
> --
> Grant

Chromium used to have a USE="jumbo-build" which combined source files and sped 
up the build process noticeably.  Since it disappeared the build times grew 
ridiculously longer, although I can't recall anything longer than 19 hours or 
so on quad core CPUs.  However, I made sure to set job counts down to 2 or 3 
depending on the CPU and available RAM.  With each job reaching over 3G at 
busy times, an old twin core laptop with 4G RAM would start swapping like mad 
at some point and taking longer in total than setting --jobs=1.

You may want to experiment by setting env variables for Chromium to restrict 
--jobs and --load-average so as to keep broadly within the constraints of the 
available RAM.

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