On Mon, 13 Jul 2020 11:10:01 -0500, Matt Connell (Gmail) wrote:

> > Another thing I recommend is getting rid of "-j5". Use -j4. The "+1" 
> > recommendation from decades ago does not apply anymore with modern
> > Linux kernels. You can test this yourself by emerging a smaller
> > package that takes like 2 minutes or so to emerge, and compare times
> > with j4 and j5. Most likely you will see no difference, other than j5
> > using more RAM.  
> I can confirm this as well.  On RAM-limited systems (like this laptop
> with 8 logical cores and only 8GB of memory...) I have to use "-j2" in
> order to keep the machine usable while compiling.

You have to consider the --jobs option passed to emerge at the same time.
It's no use limiting each emerge to 2 processes if you then run multiple
emerges in parallel. Setting --load in MAKEOPTS and --load-average in
EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS is worthwhile on a constrained system.

Neil Bothwick

Knock firmly but softly. I like soft firm knockers.

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