
Has anyone else noticed that Dolphin is using more CPU than it used to? 
It used to sit around 1% or even less.  For the past month or so, mine
has increased to 2, 3, 4 and 5% with occasional brief instances of even
higher usage.  I notice this in top.  Memory usage is normal tho.  Mine
is usually a few hundred MBs or so.  Closing and restarting Dolphin
seems to help for a little while. 

Another question.  I use top to see what is using the CPU so much.  When
it is Dolphin, I can't tell which window it is.  I sometimes have a few
instances of Dolphin open at the same time.  Sometimes I have my spot
marked by highlighting a file or files.  If I kill it, I don't get to
write down where I was.  Thing is, I can't tell from top which window it
is that is using the CPU more than it should.  Is there a way to figure
out which process goes with which window or running instance of
Dolphin?  In top, it shows a ID number like this.

16577 dale      20   0  986256 160680  79288 S   2.8   0.5  25:56.63
/usr/bin/dolphin -session

16565 dale      20   0  719940 107576  75616 S   1.9   0.3  77:19.07
/usr/bin/dolphin -session

Is there a way to know what window that ID belongs too? 

I was hoping the upgrade today would help.  It doesn't seem so. 



:-)  :-) 

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