Hi, I am still having problems with the python settings.  There a lot of
articals online for python on Gentoo but they all seem to miss a simple
point: a list of what the current default should be:

should there be nothing in a properly configured system (all handled

PYTHON_TARGETS etc listed in package.use, or should it be in make.conf -
lots of variation!

Should 2.7 be listed at all still?  Chasing the emerge breakage trying
to get this right is getting old fast :(

e.g., I am using the following in make.conf for a system that only needs
python 3.8 (with 3.7 just in case I need it) ... for other systems
should I specify what I think is rrequired, or leave blank?

PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_8 python3_7"


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