On Sat, Oct 3, 2020 at 9:50 AM William Kenworthy <bi...@iinet.net.au> wrote:

> Hi, I am still having problems with the python settings.  There a lot of
> articals online for python on Gentoo but they all seem to miss a simple
> point: a list of what the current default should be:
> should there be nothing in a properly configured system (all handled
> automaticly)

I leave everything at the defaults, unless there's something that i'm
certain I want to achieve. This goes for all settings, including USE, and i
usually use package.use rather than USE= in make.conf.

So for me there's no specific python/ruby etc settings in make.conf, but
there's still eselect, and i generally keep away from the newest and oldest.

Try unsetting python settings in make.conf and run an emerge -avuUD world
to see what you get.

BTW, for ~arch users python:2.7 is pretty much gone. For me, I just have
some gnome stuff which depends on dev-libs/gjs, which depends on
dev-lang/spidermonkey:68 which depends on python:2.7.

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