On Sun, 11 Oct 2020, Ashley Dixon wrote:

> Date: Sun, 11 Oct 2020 07:30:19
> From: Ashley Dixon <a...@suugaku.co.uk>
> Reply-To: gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org
> To: gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org
> Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] gentoo handbook
> On Sat, Oct 10, 2020 at 10:09:00PM -0400, Jude DaShiell wrote:
> > missing lots of accessibility-related material.
> > I've installed several other versions of Linux before and got them
> > accessible using material found mostly on the internet for instructions.
> > The first one was RedHat 5.0 when that was a current distribution.
> > After that, slackware, debian, fedora ubuntu arch-linux coconut and jenux.
> > Anyone interested could do a youtube search for gentoo, and I'm pretty
> > sure you'll find I wasn't the only potential installer who ran into all
> > manner of unexpected behavior.
> YouTube probably isn't the  best  source  of  information  for  technical  
> Linux
> documentation.  Asking here on the mailing list is always good; the  
> appropriate
> IRC channels can be helpful, too.  Gentoo does not hold your hand and provide 
>  a
> pretty GUI for every potential option and use-case, because its range of  
> target
> consumers is far too broad.  The "all manner  of  unexpected  behaviour"  
> you're
> encountering is just the feeling of having  to  do  some  of  the  
> heavy-lifting
> yourself, which is certainly not a negative remark on Gentoo!
> If you have a very specific and niche issue, you can also reach out directly  
> to
> the Gentoo Accessibility  Project  in  different  forms  
> (#gentoo-accessibility;
> accessibil...@gentoo.org; gentoo-accessibil...@lists.gentoo.org) [1].
> > An A gentoo accessibility install podcast ought to have been available for
> > this distribution many years ago.
> A podcast for all accessibility use-cases in Gentoo would, once  again,  be  
> far
> too broad and help  only  a  minority  of  potentially  interested  viewers.  
>  A
> dedicated espeak(up) page on the Gentoo wiki would be  great,  however.   I  
> was
> rather surprised to see that one didn't exist.
> > A feature that would be useful for menuconfig would be the ability once a
> > search is done to jump onto the desired search item directly (if the item
> > were available at all).
> > Maybe that's communicated by colors, I don't know.
> Currently, the closest thing menuconfig provides is detailing  the  location  
> of
> the `CONFIG_` option, in relation to the  graphical  menus  one  must  
> navigate.
> Sometimes it's just easier to edit your `.config` manually;  menuconfig  can  
> be
> terribly slow and cumbersome when  you're  only  searching  the  option  
> titles.
> [1] https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:Accessibility


This problem needs handling by gentoo accessibility project and I'll take
it their.
If this problem gets solved, I'll probably make a podcast at least for
speakup and maybe orca if I get that installed and working.  It won't be
of much use to gentoo, but the blinux-list may find it of interest.

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