On Wed, 25 Nov 2020 19:37:32 -0000 (UTC), Grant Edwards wrote:

> >> > I'm not sure chainloading would work as that requires a drive
> >> > definition from which to load the boot sector.    
> >> 
> >> I thought that's what LVM provided was a drive definition.  
> >
> > It's more like a partition definition, GRUB requires the boot
> > sector/MBR of a whole drive.  
> I'm asking about chainloading. Grub has already been loaded via MBR
> and grub's partition (which can be a normal physical partition if
> needed). Grub is now running and displaying its menu. Each of the menu
> entries instructs grub to load the first sector of a specified
> partition into RAM and execute it. That sector can contain grub, LILO,
> windows boot manager, whatever.  If grub understands LVM volumes, then
> can it read that first sector from an LVM volume instead of a physical
> partition?

I think the only way to find out is to try it, but my gut feeling about
this is not good. However, I'd be happy for my gut to be proved wrong.

Neil Bothwick

Confucius say :
He who play in root, eventually kill tree!

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