>  cat revaliases (did not test this one yet)
> root:root@localdomain:mail.my-domain.com
> thelma:i...@my-domain.com:mail.my-domain.com
> Are the aliases correct?

Looking at aliases from postfix:
# Basic system aliases -- these MUST be present.
MAILER-DAEMON:      postmaster
postmaster:         root

# General redirections for pseudo accounts.
adm:                root
bin:                root
daemon:             root
exim:               root
lp:                 root
mail:               root
named:              root
nobody:             root
postfix:            root

# Well-known aliases -- these should be filled in!
root:                   thelma
apache:                 thelma
# alias for notification messages from HylaFAX servers
# FaxMaster:            email-address

# operator:

# Standard RFC2142 aliases
abuse:              postmaster
ftp:                root
hostmaster:         root
news:               usenet
noc:                root
security:           root
usenet:             root
uucp:               root
webmaster:          root
www:                webmaster

My revaliases file is a bit short.
Where is local mail being sent from "emerge" ?

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