On 11/29/2020 03:22 AM, Michael wrote:
> On Sunday, 29 November 2020 07:30:16 GMT wrote:
>> I'm trying to deny access to all except specific IP address in a
>> directory, just testing it.
>> In modules.d/00_default_settings.conf
>> <Directory "/var/www/localhost/htdocs">
>>      Options MultiViews
>>      AllowOverride All
>>      Require all granted
>> </Directory>
>> in admin/.htaccess
>> <RequireAll>
>>     Require all denied
>>     Require ip
>> </RequireAll>
>> My IP is and I can still access the server /admin directory
>> What am I missing?
> In apache 2.4 the access control syntax has changed.  The RequireAll 
> directive 
> means *all* authorisation directives within it must succeed.
> What happens if you just remove the first line, "Require all denied"?

As you suggested I have:
in admin/.htaccess

    Require ip

My IP is: and it still allow me to access it.  I know apache
2.4 is reading the file as the the below direcive works.

AuthName "restricted stuff"
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile "/etc/apache2/users"
require user webmaster

I've tried adding
RewriteEngine on

With it, I can not login at all (access denied) regardless of IP.

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