antlists wrote:
> On 04/12/2020 01:40, Dale wrote:
>> Also, our local power company is about to start rolling out internet
>> service.  It's done with fiber and the slowest package, 200MBs/sec, is
>> over 100 times faster than my current DSL.  It only costs $4.00 a month
>> more than what I'm paying now.  Their fastest package is 1GBs/sec.
>> Dang, I can't even imagine that sort of speed.  Another good thing, same
>> speed BOTH ways.  I can upload videos just as fast as I can download
>> one. Yeppie!!
>> My only thing now, I hope it works like DSL/cable/etc and just requires
>> me to plug in a ethernet cable.  In other words, OS doesn't matter.  I
>> suspect it does but we will see.
> We went to fibre recently. They put a new box on the wall which takes
> an RJ-45 instead of the previous situation where ADSL took an RJ-11.
> All the blurb says "works with BT Hub 6", which we already had, so I
> didn't bother getting a new router (you had to pay for the "latest and
> greatest" Hub 7).
> When the guy installed it - "where's you new router, it won't work
> with this one". No apparently you can't just plug it into any old
> network port, the router needs a dedicated WAN link and the Hub 6 came
> in two versions, one with an ADSL modem and one with a fibre uplink.
> So it sounds like you need to swap your ADSL router for a cable router
> or whatever it is, but apart from that you'll be fine.
> (And then some sales guy working on behalf of BT knocked on the door,
> was surprised to find we were already BT customers, and rigged up some
> deal that (a) threw in a Hub-7 free, (b) changed our calling plan to
> remove the one-hour limit and add free calls to mobiles, and (c)
> knocked about £2 off our monthly bill!!!)
> Cheers,
> Wol

I visited with my friend who recently got the same type of internet I'll
be getting.  Odds are, the boxes will be the same.  She has hers through
a power company and that's what I'm getting, just a different power
company.  Anyway, as I suspected, it has a little box which is the
modem.  It looks a lot like a old AT&T Westel modem.  It's a little bit
smaller but other than that, almost identical.  Then there is a bigger
box that is a router.  I'm not sure of the brand but I don't think I've
ever seen one like that before.  It includes wifi as well as the usual 4
ethernet plugins.  My friend only uses wifi.  She has a TV, laptop and
cell phone.  Me, I'm desktop so I'd have a ethernet plug for mine.  Wifi
for my cell phone tho.  Oh, printer too.  I assume I can use my router. 
It has a ethernet cable going from modem to router.  Looks pretty simple
to me.  If I can use my existing router, don't know why I can't, then it
should be as simple as unplug cable from router, plug into new modem
from power company and surf the internet, at blazingly fast speeds. 

I have links to pics I took.  One is modem and one is the router. 
Anyone recognize the router?  Anything special about it?

I hope that site doesn't annoy anyone.  I upload there but rarely go
there for anything else.  I need to have me a server thingy somewhere I
can upload to and keep things safe.  With this new internet, it is
possible.  It uploads and downloads at 200MB/sec.  First backup may take
a while but after that, it wouldn't be bad.  I wouldn't think of doing
that with current DSL tho. 

I'm excited to see this coming.  This is as good as when I went from
dial-up to DSL. 


:-)  :-) 

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