On Thu, 10 Dec 2020 09:20:22 +0000, Michael wrote:

> > Gscan2pdf has lots of nice features, I used to use it with an ADF and
> > it would scan all the sheets, then I'd turn the stack over and feed
> > it back in and it would scan the other sides and then put all the
> > pages in the correct order.
> > 
> > I have a duplex scanner now, but that was a real time saver.  
> Alternatively, on the CLI you could use imagemagick to convert your
> png, tiff, jpg, etc., to pdf:
> convert scan1.png scan1.pdf
> convert scan2.png scan2.pdf
> Then join the two pdf documents into one with two pages, using
> poppler's pdfunite:
> pdfunite scan1.pdf scan2.pdf scanned.pdf
> Then print them.
> A simple script could batch up the conversion for you, e.g.:
> for file in $(ls -t *.png | head -8); do
>    convert $file $file.pdf
> done
> The above will convert 8 png files to pdf, which you can then pdfunite
> into a single multipage pdf document before you print it.

That's pretty much what I used to do. The nice thing about gscan2pdf's
way of doing it is that it copes with the second sides being scanned in
reverse order if you use an ADF. You could script that, but when someone
has already done it, laziness... I mean efficiency, wins.

Neil Bothwick

Anything is possible if you don't know what
you are talking about.

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