On Sun, Dec 27, 2020 at 09:53:27AM +0000, Neil Bothwick wrote

> I understand why someone used to GRUB would want to continue with
> it on a UEFI system, but you have no experience of it so why are
> you picking the boot manager that is hardest to configure, not to
> mention the most bloated?
> Referencing your sig, GRUB is the desktop environment of boot
> managers, the boot loader equivalent of emacs :)

  I believe grub only has to be set up once, unless you often change
boot drives, etc.  If it's "set it and forget it" for a single-user,
single hard-drive system, I'm OK with a one-time complex set-up.

  My main objection to "desktop environments" is that they're full time
resource hogs.  Grub starts linux, and then goes away.  KDE and GNOME
chew up cpu cycles and ram 24/7.  The reason I got a new machine is that
a 12-year core2 duo with 3 gigs of ram doesn't cut it any more.  The
machine would be just as functional with grub as with lilo.  On the
other hand, KDE/GNOME would bring the machine to its knees.

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>
I don't run "desktop environments"; I run useful applications

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